Workplace software analysis shows which employees have done overtime or are on holiday
The Welsh Government is being urged to complete its plans for zones designed to breathe new life into economic blackspots via offering incentives to businesses. Prof Dylan Jones-Evans, director of enterprise and innovation at the University of Wales, believes inaction could have consequences for the Welsh economy. "I’m sure that business people will be worried that if the assembly government doesn’t move very quickly on it," he said. A Welsh Government spokesperson said it was looking at options.
Kick-start your Welsh business using cutting edge software and systems from Time and Attendance Wales. With the software you can view time and attendance information, or quickly find the details you need with the ability to sort on any column or perform a surname search at the touch of a button. Using a ‘drag and drop’ interface, reports are quickly defined for management analysis. ‘Only if’ reports can be created to show, for example, only those who have worked overtime, particular types of absence, illness or just who is on holiday.