Workforce shift creation system includes weekly clock card feature

buy out safeguarded 130 jobs Welshpool employers Montgomeryshire MP Glyn Davies Time and Attendance Wales workforce payroll software daily working patterns shift flexitime Weekly Clock CardA buy out has safeguarded about 130 jobs at one of Welshpool’s major employers. Montgomeryshire MP Glyn Davies welcomed the sale of Technocover as “wonderful news”. He commented: “The takeover will end rumours about the future of Technocover, and secures one of our major employers in mid Wales.” Technocover was co-founded by Haydn Williams, who used his redundancy money to set up the firm. After he died in 2007 he left an estate worth £6.3m.

Time and attendance systems from Time and Attendance Wales will help your firm get the best out of its workforce and its related clocking or payroll issues. The software can create a wide range of daily working patterns (shifts), with either fixed or flexitime rules. Standard reports include: Weekly Clock Card, Payroll Summary, Exceptions and Working Time Directive Compliance. Among the additional features is Shift Premiums where complex payment schemes can be used, based on factors such as the time of working to the grade of employee.

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