Workforce hours calculation system uses context sensitive search facility
Nick Ramsay AM, the Conservatives’ spokesman for business, enterprise, technology and science, said he hoped the Port Talbot and Llanwern steel workers facing reduced hours would be offered support. He said: “This is disappointing news for the employees affected and their families, although it does further highlight the fragility of the manufacturing industry in Wales.” Mr Ramsay continued: “I hope Welsh Labour ministers will work closely with Tata and offer what support they can to help protect jobs.”
If your firm is finding it difficult to calculate the number of hours completed by your workforce, a Time and Attendance Wales system does it all for you. It handles flexitime and annual contracts. Masses of information can be a handicap if you can’t find what you are looking for quickly. WinTAnet uses a context sensitive search facility to pin point exactly what you need to find. Searches can be by part of a code or name, and results limited by both standard and customised filters.