Time and attendance network accommodates flexitime contracts of public sector employees
South Wales Police increased their overtime spending from £6,041,604 in 2010 to £6,758,056 in the 11 months up to November 2011. This is at a time when public expenditure is undergoing a big squeeze. This statistic was one of many obtained from the four Welsh police forces by BBC Wales in a Freedom of Information request. In their response to these revelations, Welsh police sources pointed out that overtime is not paid to anyone above the rank of sergeant.
Overtime is just one of many complex human resources issues comfortably dealt with by a Time and Attendance Wales automatic contactless smart card operated clocking system. Our WinTA network contains special working rules to accommodate the formal flexitime contracts worked by many public sector employees. Other payment and hours features on the state-of-the-art system include night shifts, and both paid and unpaid breaks. Even our entry level WinTA Lite system can store information on up to 1000 production or department jobs.