Smart card clocking allows employees to produce analysis of time spent on jobs
Under plans approved by the fire services bosses up to 36 fire fighter jobs will be lost in north Wales. Vice chairman of North Wales Fire Authority, Anglesey councillor Aled Morris Jones, said: "I support the recommendation. No-one wants to face redundancies, but rota changes are the least worst option." Chief fire officer Simon Smith added at a meeting of the authority in Caernarfon on Monday that the only way to save enough money was to reduce the number of firefighters.
WinTA Lite is one of the complete Time & Attendance clocking systems available from Time and Attendance Wales. It deals with the simple collection of employees’ clocking data, through to job costing and extensive labour hours analysis. WinTA Lite stores information on up to 1000 production or department jobs. With the simple use of a smart card or key fob, employees book time against these jobs to produce a fully costed analysis and break down of time spent on each one.