Save money off the bottom line with fast proximity read clocking

Deeside Industrial Park job losses Flintshire council Time and Attendance Wales firms save money off the bottom line Smart Card Time Booking proximity reading technology faster than swipe systemsSome 76 workers on the Deeside Industrial Park face job losses, it was revealed yesterday (October 9, 2012). Paramount Foods employs 312 people on the Park. It had moved to Deeside in 1998 with the aim of becoming one of the largest pizza making centres of Europe, after taking over an old Heinz sauce factory. Flintshire council said it will do what it can to support local workers who need to find new jobs.

Time and Attendance Wales can help firms save money off the bottom line with a complete Smart Card Time Booking System, comprising a T32xx Smart Card clocking station plus smart cards. The cards use proximity reading technology, where the badge does not have to be removed from a wallet or purse. The badge will read through your wallet or purse in ¼ second (up to 15 times faster than swipe systems and more reliable). Contact us to learn more ways to save more time and money.

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