Remove payroll errors with workplace time and attendance software

Wales Audit Office public sector jobs lost manage your employees’ time and remove payroll errors profit and loss workforce Time and Attendance Wales softwareTwo reports in the space of a week have issued a double whammy of news about job cuts in Wales. The Wales Audit Office said up to 21,000 public sector jobs could be lost over four years. Another report says 10,000 Welsh public sector jobs have disappeared in a year despite “getting off relatively lightly” from spending cuts thus far. The 10,000 jobs were lost in the 12 months to June, and the analyses predict more misery is to follow.

How difficult do you find it to manage your employees’ time and remove payroll errors and mistakes? This could make the difference between profit and loss and help safeguard the future of your workforce. Time and Attendance Wales’s time and attendance software works on the Microsoft Windows platform. The interface is easy to use and logical and you will find all of your payroll staff quickly picking up everything they need to know to make your time and attendance system run efficiently and safely.

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