Largest onshore wind farm in Wales and England set to be built at Pen Y Cymoed, will create 300 new jobs
Development work for the largest onshore wind farm in Wales and England, set at Pen Y Cymoedd, is set to start next year, the £400m investment being predicted to support up to 300 jobs.
The scheme will be managed by Swedish energy company Vattenfall, who will also invest £1.8m annually into community funds for the 25 year life of the wind farm.
The area where the wind farm will be built is set to be covered by the boroughs of Neath Port Talbot and Rhondda Cynon and contracts have been awarded to local businesses including Spencer Environmental Care Associates in Ceredigion and Neath security company Nite Lite.
Piers Guy, Vattenfall’s director of onshore wind development in the UK, said: "Major investment decisions like the one for Pen y Cymoedd Wind Project cannot be made without close co-operation with government. An attractive market for investment means that Vattenfall will now complete major procurement contracts over the summer for Pen y Cymoedd and we are confident that a good number of Welsh businesses will benefit from the more than £400m, three year construction programme."
Given the sheer size of this ambitious project, it shouldn’t come as much of a surprise that it will employ quite an extensive workforce, both during the construction and operation phases, and managing all those staffers will not be a very easy process.
Naturally, such an extensive redevelopment plan will involve quite an extensive workforce, and this is exactly where Time & Attendance – Wales can put its solid expertise to work.
Whether we’re talking about simple access control solutions or more complex systems, also including extensive Time and Attendance features, Time & Attendance – Wales has the necessary expertise to provide customers with a complete and comprehensive bespoke solution, that will perfectly fit their requirements.
Our advanced smart card time and attendance system includes European Working Time Directive checking and reporting, ensuring that your company remains compliant with both regional and ational legislation.
Furthermore, the system also offers a series of additional features employers would certainly find handy, such as Weekly Clock Card, Payroll Summary, Absence Summary, Fire Roll Call or Shift Swapping.
If you want to find out more about the advanced product portfolio provided by Time & Attendance – Wales, just contact us, and we’ll be sure to answer any questions you might have.