Glass turnstiles control access to toilets for both staff and customers

Welsh poet Ifor ap Glyn flushing toilets WC microwaves generate energy from waste Time and Attendance Wales Glass Toilet Turnstiles company controlling access high-status environment staff customers high traffic volumesWelsh poet and presenter Ifor ap Glyn heads a television tour of the history of the toilet. The documentary explains that after the collapse of the Roman Empire, no-one for 1500 years thought to bring water inside to create flushing toilets. It took another couple of centuries to arrive at a design which is the template of the present day loo. In the BBC’s The Toilet: An Unspoken History, Glyn looks at re-designs, including a WC that uses microwaves to generate energy from waste.

Time and Attendance Wales can supply elegant Glass Toilet Turnstiles that give your company all the benefits of controlling access to your toilet facilities, yet sit in any high-status environment. Intelligent design provides for the incorporation of an access control device to operate alongside the glass turnstile’s payment devices so that both staff and customers are able to use the facilities. They are available in half height or full height models; and cope with high traffic volumes.

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