Employees use smart card to break down time spent on each job
Up to 90 jobs are under threat at the Aberpergwm Colliery. The owners are concerned about the implications of the plan for a wind farm near its site, near Glynneath, which it says could “sterilise” land for mining. They stated they are committed to the colliery but added: “Unfortunately we aren’t in a position to continue with the project at the pace that we are at present, and therefore must scale back until circumstances change.”
Time and Attendance Wales can help your business save on the bottom line. WinTA Lite is the latest in our proven range of time and attendance products. The WinTA Lite software has a familiar Windows™ interface, providing quick and easy access to information. WinTA Lite stores information on up to 1000 production or department jobs. With the simple use of a smart card or key fob, employees book time against these jobs to produce a fully costed analysis and break down of time spent on each one.