Employee clocking data from contactless smart cards available in real time
Union members at the Remploy factory in Wrexham are among thousands of staff who will be balloted on a pay offer, with some threatening to strike. The ballot result over the below inflation pay offer will be known next week. Trades union negotiators have urged workers to reject the £250 offer for staff. The GMB union says it is the third year that employees at Remploy have been offered a “derisory” increase of between £1.80 and £4.80 per week.
Time & Attendance Wales networked WinTA systems are based on contactless smart cards, allowing your employees to clock in and out extremely quickly. Your employees’ time and attendance data, including overtime, night shifts and rostering, is gathered from the clocking machines and available in real time. Customised reports allow managers to get the information you need to make on the spot personnel decisions. The all-in-one time and attendance recording system with Job Booking and Job Costing also includes individual and group Absence Planners.