Economic confidence is on a strong positive trend, report suggests
The levels of economic confidence among Welsh companies has been on a very positive trend throughout the whole of October, a brand new BDO Business Trend report has revealed.
The report reveals that October 2013 figures stand at 101.7, up from 100.7 in September and 93.2 in October 2012, outperforming the 100 index mark that indicates long-run growth. Out of all the different categories, optimism among manufacturers had the biggest increase, rising to 109.6 compared to 107.0 in September.
The firm’s Output Index for short-run turnover expectations is also encouraging because of a spike in Eurozone exports. Manufacturing and services output improved from 99.5 to 100.7 on the Index.
BDO’s Employment Index rose moderately up by just 0.6 to 98.1 compared to Septembers 97.5, but overall figures are promising and forecast strong economic growth into 2014.
Graham Randall, partner and head of BDO in Cardiff, said: "With broad-based recovery now a reality, as he looks towards the Autumn Statement, the Chancellor has room for manoeuvre as he looks towards the Autumn Statement.
"Recent measures have prompted recovery on the demand side of the economy, but the Chancellor risks bottlenecking growth unless he turns his attention to unlocking the supply side. As public sector finances improve, there is flexibility to increase investment in areas such as house building, along with the additional benefit of giving the construction industry a much-needed boost."
Companies who do decide that it’s economically viable to make some investments towards their further development should also consider implementing advanced workforce management solutions, and this is exactly where Time & Attendance – Wales can really help.
Whether we’re talking about simple access control solutions or more complex systems, also including extensive Time and Attendance features, Time & Attendance – Wales has the necessary expertise to provide customers with a complete and comprehensive bespoke solution, that will perfectly fit their requirements.
Our advanced smart card time and attendance system includes European Working Time Directive checking and reporting, ensuring that your company remains compliant with both regional and national legislation. Additional major features we have to point out include Weekly Clock Card, Payroll Summary, Absence Summary, Fire Roll Call or Shift Swapping.
If you want to find out more about the advanced product portfolio provided by Time & Attendance – Wales, just contact us, and we’ll be sure to answer any questions you might have.