Contactless key fob clocking reader will not become clogged by dust
The leader of Plaid Cymru urged more economic stimulus for Wales during a Welsh Assembly debate. Ieuan Wyn Jones said: “There is a need to be bold and ambitious in the interest of the people of Wales.” There were also calls for action on regional public sector pay. Conservative AM Janet Finch Saunders wanted urgent representations to the UK government about these proposals, on which the Welsh Government replied it could result in a cut in wages.
Time and Attendance Wales are available to help customers get the best from their business HR and clocking systems. Contactless smart cards or key fobs can used to operate your time and attendance system. Our key fobs are about the same size as a standard key fob, and have their own printed external number for cross-referencing. As there is no physical contact between the fob and the clocking reader, neither will become worn-out by continuous use – unlike swipe readers – and no dust will clog the reader.