Company to create 100 new R & D roles in Bridgend
Over 100 jobs are to be created in Bridgend over the next three years, as part of the launch of financial technology business Ideoba, a news report in the local business media has revealed.
The company’s is set to develop an expert search engine for the financial investment sector, whose extensive data-mining and profiling technologies are touted as being capable to effectively provide a quantum leap in performance.
According to its founders, the engine will have the capacity to map the total global knowledge base of an estimated three hundred million professionals as opposed to existing businesses which utilise smaller-scale, manually generated databases.
The business was founded by Andrew Auerbach, Ideoba CEO, who owns the Wall Street New York based Auerbach Group, and Adam Price, Ideoba Director of Strategy, the former MP, who met and planned the venture while studying at Harvard University.
Ideoba’s R&D centre based at the Sony UK Technology Centre in Pencoed is backed by private finance and has received SMARTCymru funding from the Welsh Government.
Mr Auerbach said: “The team being established at the research and development centre brings together Welsh and international expertise to develop Ideoba’s technology platforms, with Harvard “DNA” continuing to drive our vision for delivering a powerful tool for powering knowledge.”
Wales has a good pool of talented people with the right skills, knowledge, and experience that we are looking for. The third reason is the support from the Welsh Government. The Welsh government has been extremely helpful to us, and has provided useful advice, introductions, and grant funding.”
“We look forward to continuing this mutual relationship with the Welsh Government to grow Ideoba and create more jobs in Wales.”
“Over the course of the next few years, as Ideoba grows, we expect to create hundreds of jobs in the South Wales area in our R&D Centre and in a customer service and support centre.”
Companies who do decide that it’s economically viable to make some investments towards their further development should also consider implementing advanced workforce management solutions, and this is exactly where Time & Attendance – Wales can really help.
Whether we’re talking about simple access control solutions or more complex systems, also including extensive Time and Attendance features, Time & Attendance – Wales has the necessary expertise to provide customers with a complete and comprehensive bespoke solution, that will perfectly fit their requirements.
Our advanced smart card time and attendance system includes European Working Time Directive checking and reporting, ensuring that your company remains compliant with both regional and national legislation. Additional major features we have to point out include Weekly Clock Card, Payroll Summary, Absence Summary, Fire Roll Call or Shift Swapping.
If you want to find out more about the advanced product portfolio provided by Time & Attendance – Wales, just contact us, and we’ll be sure to answer any questions you might have.