Business software quickly identifies where normal working pattern has not been followed

£800 million invested Welsh steel plants Port Talbot Time and Attendance Wales software increase efficiency working pattern Employee information user definable fieldsSome £800 million will be invested at Welsh steel plants over the next five years. First Minister Carwyn Jones announced the news after he recently met senior officials from the Indian Tata company. The firm employs 7,500 people in Wales. Tata said in the "near term" £185m would be spent on rebuilding the Number Four blast furnace at Port Talbot. The company added: “Other near-term investment projects take the investment committed at Port Talbot to almost £250m.”

With the vital data from Time and Attendance Wales software you can steal a march on your competitors and increase efficiency. It is possible to view all time and attendance information for an employee or a single department with the software. An Exception view quickly identifies areas where the normal working pattern has not been followed. In the Employee screens an index tab system is used to hold different categories of information. Some of these are user definable fields, including user definable tables and arrays.

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