A new development scheme to create a brand new suburb located north of Cardiff that will include building more than 1,000 houses has received planning permission from the local Council after Wales’ First Minister decided not to launch a public inquiry in the matter.
Plans were initially approved by Cardiff Council in December last year but strong opposition led to the Welsh Government weighing up whether the plans should be called in for further scrutiny.
An electronics firm that specializes in providing a repair and refurbishment service for products returned under warranty to major retailers has revealed plans to create 138 new jobs after relocating to a larger site.
As part of an investment worth more than £2m, Trojan Electronics is to move to a building at the old Visteon factory site in Fabian Way.
A Vancouver-headquartered mobile technology company has revealed plans to invest £2.6m in a new research and development centre in Caerphilly, Wales, with up to 25 jobs set to be created on the short-term as a direct result.
Appnovation Technologies plans to make Caerphilly its European headquarters, with ambitions to create up to 100 high-quality jobs on the long-term.
Renewable Developments Wales has submitted a full planning application to Pembrokeshire County Council to construct a power station comprising a combustion plant, fuel storage facilities and an administrative and visitor centre building on a 12.8-acre site on the edge of the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park.
Over thirty jobs were salvaged after a Pembrokeshire-based abattoir business was bought out of administration by another business with shared directors, a news report in the local business media was able to reveal.
An Internet services provide is set to create several new jobs after expanding its headquarters at Glansevern Hall in Welshpool, Powys, a news report in the local business media was able to reveal.
While the number of employment opportunities across Wales went up by 14 over the past couple of years, there was also a significant rise in skills shortage vacancies, where employers simply can’t find recruits with the appropriate skills to fill a position they have, figures obtained from the latest Employer Skills Survey from the UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES) suggest.
An outline planning application for a new large-scale housing development in the north west of Cardiff has been submitted to Cardiff Council by residential developer Persimmon Homes, a recent news report in the local business media has revealed.
The developer plans to create a new community containing up to 1,500 new houses, a park-and-ride facility with room for up to 1,000 vehicles, a transport interchange, a primary school and a community centre.
A soft drinks manufacturer behind some famous brands such as Irn-Bru, Tizer and Orangina, has revealed plans to close its Welsh carton factory and relocate production to a Milton Keynes facility, a news report in the local business media could reveal.
Welsh Boxes, a Swansea-based box manufacturer, has revealed some pretty impressive expansion plans after managing to secure bank funding and a Welsh government grant to buy new specialist equipment.