35 new jobs to be created in Pembrokeshire as company moves into new premises
A Welsh manufacturer and distributor of power generators has revealed plans to create up to 35 new positions after deciding to move their headquarters across Pembrokeshire into new premises.
Genpower has the exclusive UK and Ireland distribution rights to sell Hyundai power products, including portable generators, water pumps, air compressors, garden products and power tools. It also makes and assembles its own range of products such as home generators.
The company decided to invest in a new 110,000 sq ft facility at the former Cambrian Windows site on London Road in Pembroke Dock, in an attempt to consolidate all of its operations into a single site, increase its workshop, assembly and warehouse capacity, and open a showroom and training facility, a news report in the local media can reveal.
The company currently employs 22 staff and the expansion is expected to safeguard eight jobs and create up to 35 additional jobs over the next two years.
Roland Llewellin, managing director of Genpower, said: "Our new premises are already making a huge difference and we are delighted with the site. It will allow us to increase capacity and provide the room we need to stock the new range of Hyundai garden machinery products and expand our assembly and manufacturing business."
Companies who do decide that it’s economically viable to make some investments towards their further development should also consider implementing advanced workforce management solutions, and this is exactly where Time & Attendance – Wales can really help.
Whether we’re talking about simple access control solutions or more complex systems, also including extensive Time and Attendance features, Time & Attendance – Wales has the necessary expertise to provide customers with a complete and comprehensive bespoke solution, that will perfectly fit their requirements.
Our advanced smart card time and attendance system includes European Working Time Directive checking and reporting, ensuring that your company remains compliant with both regional and national legislation. Additional major features we have to point out include Weekly Clock Card, Payroll Summary, Absence Summary, Fire Roll Call or Shift Swapping.
If you want to find out more about the advanced product portfolio provided by Time & Attendance – Wales, just contact us, and we’ll be sure to answer any questions you might have.