Developer seeks permission for 34-property residential scheme in Cross Hands, Carmarthenshire
A residential developer has applied for planning permission from the Carmarthenshire County Council regarding a 34-property residential scheme set to be built on land behind Gwernllwyn Country Club Llanelli, in the village of Cross Hands, Carmarthenshire.
According to a news report in the local media, the developer hopes to build 28 two-storey detached, semi-detached and link properties, and a further six 2-storey apartments, along with access roads and community amenity space.
The design and access statement was compiled by planning and development consultancy Asbri Planning, which has offices in Swansea, Cardiff and Bristol.
It said: "The proposal represents an efficient use of a currently wasted resource of land within the Ammanford/Cross Hands Growth Area, effectively using the land to provide a sustainably located residential development.
"It is considered that the proposal fully accords with both national and local policy objectives and responds positively to the site context in terms of its scale, layout and access. As such it is respectfully requested that planning permission is granted for the proposed development."
Any development of this size will require the involvement of a large number of workers and managing all of them will certainly prove to be a fairly difficult task.
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