More than 75% of South Wales businesses are optimistic about profit margins over next year

The Quarterly Economic Survey from the South Wales Chamber of Commerce has revealed a very positive trend in the region’s economy, with a jaw-dropping 75% of businesses being extremely optimistic about their profit margins over the next year.

Graham Morgan, director of the South Wales Chamber of Commerce, stated for the business media that: "The inclination towards future investment is promising and it is fantastic to see that so many businesses have been recruiting over the last quarter, with more than two thirds of those recruiting to fill full-time positions. While the current economic climate is far from perfect, with sales remaining largely static and a drop in levels of ready cash flow over the last quarter, it demonstrates that confidence is returning in the Welsh business community, and businesses are continuing to think and plan ahead for future growth."

As a new media report indicates, the survey also found that 91 per cent of companies increased or maintained their investment in equipment and machinery while 94 per cent increased or maintained current levels of investment in training.

It’s also interesting to note that more than 40 per cent of businesses revealed that they were actively recruiting in the quarter.

Given this positive trend, investing in advanced workforce management technology should really be a priority the Welsh firms, and this is exactly where Time & Attendance – Wales can really help.

Whether we’re talking about simple access control solutions or more complex systems, also including extensive Time and Attendance features, Time & Attendance – Wales has the necessary expertise to provide customers with a complete and comprehensive bespoke solution, that will perfectly fit their requirements.

Our advanced smart card time and attendance system includes European Working Time Directive checking and reporting, ensuring that your company remains compliant with both regional and national legislation. Additional major features we have to point out include Weekly Clock Card, Payroll Summary, Absence Summary, Fire Roll Call or Shift Swapping.

If you want to find out more about the advanced product portfolio provided by Time & Attendance – Wales, just contact us, and we’ll be sure to answer any questions you might have.   

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