Simple PC-based clocking system ideal for a school
Welsh schools have been criticised for tardy progress on tackling truancy. In 2011/12, out of 170,000 secondary school pupils in Wales, 52,486 missed up to five days of school. More than 18,000 missed more than 25 days. When interviewed, headteacher of Rhyl High School Claire Armitstead said: “Truancy in our school is a reducing problem, it has been reducing quite substantially over the last three years. All we’ve done is made sure that we’ve got a curriculum children can enjoy and can attain it.”
WinTA PC Clock from Time and Attendance Wales is a simple PC-based clocking system ideal for a Welsh school. When the system is installed in the classroom or reception area, pupils are simply presented with an input screen on their PC allowing them to clock in and out. PC Clock’s analysis module consists of a scaled-down version of Time and Attendance Wales’s acclaimed WinTA Lite time and attendance software. No clocking stations are required with PC Clock.