Gain total control of the salary structure at an organisation
The Plaid Cymru representative has joined the chorus of criticisms over the maximum pay rise awarded to a Caerphilly council official. Councillor Colin Mann, who leads the second-biggest group on the council, said of the rise given to its chief executive Anthony O’Sullivan was an example of unreasonable remuneration in a time of austerity: “The rises proposed were and are still utterly unacceptable, particularly at a time when council workers have seen their pay frozen for three years.”
A Time and Attendance Wales personnel system has many features that will save time and aid strategic planning, giving total control of the salary structure at your organisation. Our software and networks are completely customisable, with the ability to bend, flex and adapt to changes in protocol and the way in which your company operates. Extensive information is stored on each employee in your company. Among the advanced reports is the invaluable Pay Reviewer which includes reports, projected pay increases and salary expenditure.